About Biomedical Engineering Department

Speech of Respected Head of the Biomedical Engineering Department

Muhammad Yassin Sobeih

The advancement of technology has led to the emergence of many engineering disciplines focused on the medical field, particularly Biomedical Engineering, which is considered one of the most important fields in medicine and healthcare. It plays a significant role in supporting the medical sector by providing experts in maintenance, design, and technical support across various domains and for a wide range of medical equipment. Thus, the Biomedical Engineering Department was established at Al-Ain University in Iraq, with the aim of being a leader among Iraqi universities in terms of academic value, educational outcomes, infrastructure including suitable laboratories, and student engagement. It also emphasizes student involvement in scientific, cultural, and community activities by integrating them into the wider society in all its diversity.

In the Biomedical Engineering Department, we strive to equip graduates with the ability to work in advanced engineering environments, whether as part of a team or independently, with high efficiency and productivity. Additionally, we aim to provide them with the necessary management skills to lead medical and technical institutions.

We believe that the Biomedical Engineering Department at Al-Ain University in Iraq will be one of the leading departments among Iraqi universities due to its seriousness and commitment to quality standards through a focus on the educational process and by linking the university with the community.

We look forward to achieving further development to enhance the quality of the department's academic outcomes by adopting advanced technological innovations and utilizing modern curricula and teaching methods, all supported by the university's administration and the Dean of the College of Engineering.

Department Vision

The department’s vision lies in providing the country and society with essential and in-demand specializations, aiming to elevate the educational, social, scientific, and cultural level of graduates. This is achieved by equipping students with the necessary knowledge in biomedical engineering, enabling them to engage in various medical and engineering fields.

Department Mission

The mission of the department focuses on keeping pace with technological advancements in the medical and technical fields and integrating them into the educational process, both theoretically and practically. It aims to graduate engineers capable of entering the technical and medical job markets by providing suitable classrooms and specialized laboratories, and by creating a conducive educational, social, and cultural environment for student life. This aligns with the university's mission to connect the university with society in various fields.

Department Goals

The Biomedical Engineering Department at Al-Ain University in Iraq aims to prepare graduates equipped with appropriate engineering and medical knowledge by developing their skills to work effectively across various fields, as follows:

1. Ability to efficiently handle various medical equipment and devices used in the healthcare and medical fields.

2. Capability to design and implement various devices, equipment, and measurement tools specific to healthcare and medical fields.

3. Proficiency in managing institutions, companies, and technical healthcare departments, and expertise in working within technical teams in maintenance, design, or management roles.

4. Competence in diagnosing and maintaining different types of technical medical devices.

5. Ability to design and implement prosthetic human limbs and modify them to suit patient conditions.

6. Graduates' capacity to manage medical equipment portfolios, set technical specifications, assess the actual needs of healthcare institutions, and establish technical requirements for such equipment.

7. Ability to set standards and technical regulations for accrediting companies that produce, design, maintain, and import various medical devices.

8. Preparation of graduates for scientific research aimed at advancing the development and design of diverse medical devices.

9. Commitment to quality and reliability standards for medical devices, ensuring their occupational safety.

Point of contact

Email: eng@eng.alayen.edu.iq

Cell phone: 6316

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